-George Bernard Shaw
``Leading man with ethnic versatility. Equally fitting as the action/adventure hero, intellectual surgeon, or bohemian musician. From the romantic lead to the brooding reluctant hero or charming villain, along with stunt/sword, music/singing, & accent/language skills to boot, Nevin Millan is the diverse era’s quintessential leading man.``
HBO/Game of Thrones COMMERCIAL
Voice Over Demo Reels
Latest News
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MAR’24: Nevin was featured on VOYAGELA.com‘s “Inspiring Stories” section. If you want to learn more about Nevin’s journey as a storyteller, you can read about it here: https://voyagela.com/interview/meet-nevin-millan-of-los-angeles/
JUL’23: Nevin was once again asked to speak on a panel at COMIC-CON 2023. On behalf of Mensa, he joins other esteemed panelists to discuss “Super-Smart Superheroes and Supervillains”, moderated once again by veteran writer/showrunner Steven Sears. If you’re going to be at SDCC ’23, come on by and check out the panel Friday, July 21, 2023 7:30pm.
“Who do some of America’s smartest people believe are the brightest of heroes and villains? American Mensa, the high-IQ society, hosts a panel of writers, actors, academics, and graphic novel fans in a discussion on the most intelligent of our favorite heroes and villains. Moderated by Steven L. Sears (actor; writer, Xena: Warrior Princess), with panelists Dr. David Brin (author, The Postman, scientist, consultant to NASA), Raymond Brown (writer, lawyer), Jessica Ellis-Wilson (speaker, consultant), Leif Gantvoort (actor, director), Nevin Millan (writer, actor), and Dr. Jenny Rankin (professor, writer).”
- JUL’23: Nevin will be starring in another play at the Young Playwright’s Festival in Hollywood, CA. This is Nevin’s 2nd time performing with The Blank theater group that supports and promotes young playwrights under 18. The play he’s performing in is called “An Actor Recalls” by Anna Parker. Directed by Cate Caplin. Come by and see the play! UPDATE: Watch a recording of the play here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ypf31-actor-91177173
- FEB’23: Nevin will be a Guest Speaker at the Greater Los Angeles Area Mensa (GLAAM) Regional Gathering on Feb 18, 2023. He’ll be speaking about
Topic: What’s YOUR story?: A Storyteller’s Guide to Discovery and Connection.
“Why are we drawn to stories? How can we harness this proclivity? Nevin Millan takes a dive into some of the science behind storytelling and weaves it into a few esoteric applications. He delves into the exploration of one’s personal story and the many benefits that can come from such a journey, especially healing generational trauma. Then how to apply your personal story in life, work, and art.”
- NOV ’22: Nevin has signed with a new ACTING & LITERARY management company. He is now repped by Anthony Leones (acting) & Guy Kochlani (literary) at ShuShu Entertainment. Please direct inquiries to them.
- JUL ’22:
Nevin was once again asked to speak on a panel at COMIC-CON 2022. On behalf of Mensa, he joins other esteemed panelists to discuss “How Science Fiction has influenced STEAM”, moderated by veteran writer/showrunner Steven Sears. If you’re going to be at SDCC ’22, come on by and check out the panel Saturday, July 23, 2022 1pm.
“Science fiction, with its potential technological fascinations and intriguing “what if?” scenarios, can influence current and future education. What do some of America’s smartest people think has changed or will change in education, specifically focused on STEAM? American Mensa, the high IQ society, hosts a panel of writers, actors, academics, and sci-fi fans in a discussion on what the future may hold. Moderated by Steven L. Sears (writer, Xena: Warrior Princess, actor), with Dr. David Brin (author, The Postman; scientist, consultant to NASA), Nevin Millan (writer, actor, Mensa member), Dr. John Putman (professor and Star Trek expert), Dr. Jenny Rankin (professor, writer, Mensa member), and Nancy Retter (teacher, Mensa member).”
- MAR ’22: Nevin wrote, directed, and produced a series of several hundred short-form videos for major educational book publisher, McGraw-Hill. The topics were based on college-level courses. It was a rewarding experience to make content that college students will learn from for many years to come.
NOV ’21: Nevin’s Shakespearean monologue from Julius Caesar (Act III Sc 1 as Mark Antony) was selected for and will be screening at the virtual Monologues & Poetry International Film Festival! Click here to find out more information or to get free tickets to the online event: https://www.monologuesinternational.com
NOV ’21: Nevin’s quarantine short film, “The Mutation”, which he wrote, directed, and starred in about a virologist attempting to cure a dangerous mutating virus continues to have legs in the film festival world! In addition to the two festivals it already screened at, since last year it’s screened (or will screen) at the following festivals:ShockFest International Horror Film Festival (2021)
Screaming Ostrich Film Festival (2021)
Global Indian Film Festival (2020)
CineAsian Film Festival (2021) – click link to read the in depth interview!
Venice Shorts Film Awards (2020)You can view the TRAILER HERE:
OCT ’21: “The Ferryman” will be screening online at the Global Indian Film Festival (2021) on October 21, 2021! View more information here: https://giff.co.in
UPDATE: “The Ferryman” won a ‘Best Visual FX’ award for VFX Supervisor Chris Clyne! -
OCT ’21: The sci-fi short film, “The Ferryman” that Nevin starred in and also produced will be screening at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon from October 8-10, 2021.
Click here for more info and tickets: https://hplfilmfestival.com/hplfilmfestival-portland-or#top
AUG ’21: Nevin’s video submission testimonial answer to the question posed by the Casting Society of America, “What does VISIBILITY mean to you?” was featured on their social outlets via their diversity organization “Casting Society Cares”. You can view it here: https://fb.watch/9OhdxgSElm/
AUG ’21: Nevin’s sci-fi short film, “The Ferryman” that he starred in and also produced will be screening online at the CineAsian Film Festival.
You can view the film and read an in depth interview here: https://cineasianfilms.com/shorts/the-ferryman/
JUN ’21: The music video Nevin directed, shot and performed in during the 2020 quarantine was selected and featured by the CineAsian Film Festival online! The video is a LIVE acoustic performance of the song “Never Tear Us Apart” by INXS. It was filmed by two different iPhones and a DSLR camera. He performs in the video with his wife, Anna Trebunskaya, who also choreographed the dance and movement in the video.
You can view the video and read the in depth interview here: https://cineasianfilms.com/mv/sunset-sessions-never-tear-us-apart-cover -
MAY ’21: Nevin will be performing in the theater festival held by ANDtheater based in New York City. The festival will be held virtually. He will be playing “Lugo” in a short 1 act play called “The Point” by playwright Ali Maclean. For more information and tickets, visit: https://www.andtheatrecompany.org
JAN ’21: Nevin is humbled and ecstatic to finally announce that he won FIRST PLACE in the prestigious 2020 Tennessee Williams Poetry Contest!
The annual contest is held every year by the Key West Art & Historical Society as part of a week long celebration of renowned prolific American poet, playwright, writer, Tennessee Williams. Submitted poems must adhere to a specified theme each year. The theme for the contest in 2020 was “The Women of Tennessee Williams”. This could include referencing any of his literary characters or women in his personal life.To read the poem, go to Nevin’s blog post.
NOV ’20: The quarantine short film, “The Mutation”, Nevin wrote, directed, and starred in about a virologist attempting to cure a dangerous mutating virus was accepted into the STUDIO CITY INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL! It will screen online from Nov 6-15, 2020. You can view the TRAILER HERE:
OCT ’20: Nevin filmed a major supporting role in the female led spaghetti western independent film, “Vengeance Turns”. He portrays a complex, multi-cultural character named “Ghost with Silent Knives Protects”. His role was quite physically demanding…not only the actual physicality of the character,
but the physical skillset required to pull off certain action shots. Due to Covid, the usual training – in the gym and with stunt/fight trainers – was not really possible (except for the stunt choreography learned the day before the shoot). That meant home workouts (lots of pushups!) and a maxi-climber for cardio.
He also scoured youtube for tutorials on how to do a few key movements that he thought would look good on camera and also mesh with the character’s backstory. While it would’ve been preferable for 3 to 6 months to get into shape (after getting muffin-top chubby during quarantine, yikes!), and to hone fight skills a bit more, during the 5 weeks he did have he busted his but to get to this level by shoot day.One of the many things Nevin loves most about acting is getting deep into his characters by learning different skills, languages, accents, and telling stories about different cultures. Also for this character, with his complex, multi-cultural background and upbringing, Nevin created a unique accent that would reflect this. 🙏🏽⚔️🙌🏽🎭😎“As an actor of color, mixed ethnicity, I’ve never played a mixed ethnicity character until this project. To portray a part South Asian character, so layered and complex, and help build out the extensive backstory was so important and super exciting. We had creative brainstorming sessions with the talented Kelsey Jaffer (our characters are siblings) to create stories about their history, and how their heritage integrated with the indigenous North American tribes – keep an eye out for some material coming out in the future related to this, it’s pretty damn epic. There’s something really great about these characters – they represent the melting pot that is the US, for better or worse, and how cultures were marginalized, colonized, and absorbed into one another. While the main storyline of the film isn’t specifically about this, thematically it is paramount, and it has opened a conversation to examine many of these issues that most films do not even address. Thank you Bobby for being so open, sensitive, and collaborative about everything. Excited for the prospects of where the Vengeance Turns universe can go from here”, Nevin says.
SEP ’20: During the height of the coronavirus quarantine in April/May, Nevin accepted a filmmaking challenge by prolific producer Roger Corman to film
a 2 minute quarantine short film with only the resources in the home where you’re quarantined, which had to be shot on a mobile phone. Nevin wrote, directed, and starred in “The Mutation”, a short film about a virologist attempting to cure a dangerous mutating virus.Several months later, “The Mutation” was accepted into the Demonic Brilliance Horror Film Festival and will screen online from Sep 11-13, 2020.You can view the TRAILER HERE:
The full film is available to watch HERE:
- JUN ’20: Nevin has been honored by The Roddenberry Foundation as an #ImpactAward recipient this year! To learn more about it, visit: https://roddenberryfoundation.org/unreasonableconversation/#impactawardees
Nevin’s project, which the foundation supports, is called “Cultural Cornucopia – Ethnic Voices on the Page”. It is a development platform for ethnically diverse, unproduced playwrights to get their full length stage plays off the ground 🎭 To support, please go to: https://culturalcornucopia.org and keep updated by following social media accounts.✌️#BeTheChange #theater #diversitymatters #diversityandinclusion #diversityisourstrength 💪✊
- APR ’20: Nevin was the GRAND PRIZE WINNER of the Key West Historical Society’s renowned annual Tennessee Williams Poetry Contest. He won with his poem entitled “A Rose Without Thorns”. For the contest, a theme was designated in January 2020 by the KWHS…”The Women of Tennessee Williams”, where the poem needed to have something to do with either the women in his life or from his works. “I’m so excited and honored for my poem to have been so well received. I’m inspired by Mr. Williams’ work and life, so this accolade means a lot. Thank you to the KWHS for this award”, Nevin says.
- NOV 4, 2019: Nevin will perform at The Blank Theatre‘s “Living Room Series” of staged readings for new plays. He will perform in “THE SPARKLING CITY OF OMAR MAZEN” by playwright Jack Feldstein, directed by Mousa Kraish. You can purchase tickets to view the reading by clicking here.
- The video from my Comic-Con 2019 Mensa hosted panel, “How Science Fiction Shapes Our Reality” is here! Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbI3MS9H0Qo
- AUG ’19: Nevin Millan will be acting in a strong supporting role in the She LA Arts Female Playwrights Festival play, “She’s Not There” by Ali Maclean at the Zephyr Theater in Hollywood. For showtimes and more information, please visit: https://www.shenycarts.org/she-la
- JUL ’19: COMIC-CON 2019! Nevin Millan will be a panelist speaker on the Mensa hosted panel, “How Science Fiction Shapes Our Reality”. The panel will take place on Thursday, July 18 at 12:30PM. Nevin is excited to have a scintillating conversation about SciFi with the other panelists and enthused attendees.
- JUN ’19: Nevin Millan will be appearing in The Blank Theater‘s annual Young Playwrights Festival in the play “Unopened” by Aishwarya Marathe. For more information and details, please visit: https://www.theblank.com/young-playwrights-festival
- NOV ’18: Nevin Millan’s stage play script, “Starcrossed” was announced a quarterfinalist in the Screencraft.org 2018 Stage Play competition.
- SEP ’18: Nevin Millan’s short film script, “Manjhi’s Mountain” was announced a quarterfinalist in the Screencraft.org 2018 Short Film Screenplay competition. We will be sure to post any additional developments!
- FEB ’18: Nevin worked on an amazing Voice Over project for a groundbreaking VR (Virtual Reality) experience. Stay tuned for more details!
- NOV ’17: Nevin wrote an article as a guest contributor for the Huffington Post. The article is about building diversity through overcoming stereotypes in the film industry, from an ethnic actor’s point of view. Read the article here: https://bit.ly/2AtJJv0
- AUG ’17: Nevin did voice over work on a top secret VR animation project. We will report more information as soon as it is released.
- MAY ’17: Nevin appears in a theater production odf Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar as Marc Antony.
- JAN ’17: A feature screenplay Nevin wrote is optioned at a production company. More news to come soon!
- OCT’16: Nevin booked a recurring role on Game of Thrones, season 7. However, due to a last minute production schedule change, he was unable to take the role due to schedule conflicts. You can read the whole story here: https://nevinmillan.com/2017/07/16/game-thrones-close-call/
- JUL ’16: Nevin stars in the stunning sci-fi short film/proof of concept trailer for “The Ferryman”. He was also a producer on the project. Watch the full video here: https://vimeo.com/175629486
- OCT ’15: Nevin worked on a top secret Disney project this month. We can’t say much yet, but check back for updates!
- JUN ’15: Nevin was invited to participate in the ABC Talent Diversity Casting Workshop for SAMMA actors. It was an exciting and productive experience to meet such gracious and talented casting executives from ABC. View the photo on Facebook: View Photo
- MAR ’15: The HBO/“Game of Thrones”/AT&T Uverse commercial Nevin shot a few months ago is finally on the air nationwide! You can also view it here: “View Commercial on Vimeo”. Nevin plays a DOTHRAKI WARRIOR from the show. He got to work with the makeup, hair, wardrobe and weapons team from the actual show and the wardrobe was also flown in from the set. Hopefully you’ll get to see more of Nevin in this character on the show… fingers crossed!
- DEC ’14: Nevin shot a commercial for HBO and AT&T Uverse playing a top secret character from “Game of Thrones”. Stay tuned to see the final product and the Game of Thrones character Nevin played!
- SEP ’14: Nevin acted in a principal role for the television Docu-Series “East of Byzantium: War Gods and Warrior Saints” directed by the talented Roger Kupelian who worked on the VFX team for the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
- APR ’14: You can view the short film “I’m Just a Message” that Nevin narrated here: YouTube.
- DEC ’13: Nevin shot scenes in Los Angeles for a supporting role in the feature film Alien Theory.
- APR ’12: Release of the “Exitus Roma” TRAILER: click to view
- MAR ’12: Nevin wrapped principal photography as part of the ensemble cast in the film “Exitus Roma”, an Ancient Roman period epic short film written and directed by the award winning, uber talented Fawaz Al-Matrouk and produced by the acclaimed producer Anna Elizabeth James of Majek Pictures. Stay tuned for links to production stills, trailers, and more!
- FEB ’12: Nevin co-produced a series of music videos for Canadian rock artist, DOMENICA. The videos were directed and concepted by up and coming phenom filmmaker Lloyd DeSouza. Nevin also appears in the videos as the Lead Villain, including an epic sword fight choreographed by Brian Danner of Sword Fights Inc. Check back for links to the videos as they’re released!
- NOV ’11: The documentary feature film Nevin helped with online promotion, “The Thick Dark Fog”, directed by Randy Vasquez, WON BEST DOCUMENTARY at the American Indian Film Festival.
- JULY 25, 2011: The short film Nevin narrated, “I’m Just a Message”, directed by Nikoloz Khomasuridze, screens tonight in Pasadena, CA at the “Action on Film (AOF)” Film Festival. Come by for the Q and A if you’re in the area!
- MAY ’11: CLICK HERE to view the first trailer from the TV Pilot for “Being Bin Laden” that Nevin Millan is a Producer on. It stars Steven Weber, Fred Savage, and Rachael Harris and is written and executive produced by Ricky Blitt from the “Family Guy” writing/producing team. The pilot will be screening in Montreal at the “Just For Laughs” Film Festival. If you happen to be gallivanting around Canada, pick up some tickets and be among the first to watch it! Q & A to follow the screening.
- APRIL ’11: This month Nevin Millan is working as a Producer on a TV pilot shoot starring Steven Weber, Fred Savage, and Rachael Harris and is written and executive produced by Ricky Blitt from “The Family Guy” writing/producing team. Stay tuned for more news and updates regarding this pilot.
- JANUARY ’11: Nevin Millan is featured in the new Serj Tankian music video release for his song “Reconstructive Demonstrations”. Click here to watch it on YouTube.
- JUNE ’10: Nevin Millan wrapped principal photography on the independent film The Last Days of Shaniko shot in the heart of small town Kansas, including the historical old west town of Abilene, Kansas. Nevin stars as the leading man in the 1940s period piece.
- FEBRUARY ’10: Nevin Millan shot a ‘TOYOTA SIENNA’ print and commercial campaign for Latin markets. The commercial will roll out during the Latin Grammy’s and the print ad in Latin magazines next month.
- INTERVIEW: East of Byzantium – Click here to read the interview where Nevin Millan discusses the project ‘East of Byzantium’.
- OCTOBER ’09: Nevin Millan recently wrapped filming on the independent film, “Enemy Empire”, shot in Death Valley where he plays a character in a post-apocalyptic world. For this role, he had to learn an Australian accent, as well as perform several stunt falls.
- AUGUST ’09: Nevin Millan wrapped principal photography on the independent film THE WINDIGO, directed and written by Jonathan Arkin. He stars as ‘Jamoseh’, a native american Iroquois warrior/hunter. The entire script was shot in the Iroquois language, which Nevin had to learn, as well as several stunts riding a horse bare-back, which took a month of training and preparation. Filming began earlier this summer in June.
- APRIL 26, 2009: “BATTLES B.C.: RAMSES RAGING CHARIOTS” airs on the History Channel in which Nevin stars as the epic Egyptian historical figure PHARAOH RAMSES II. The sword fighting scenes took weeks of training to prepare and were all shot on green screen and brought to life using similar visual effects as the film 300.
- FEBRUARY ’09: Nevin Millan is currently filming an epic short film, “Nigredo”, that takes place in ancient Egypt, where he plays ‘General Horemheb’. His lines are all spoken in Ancient Egyptian and there is one final epic sword fight scene that will take several weeks of training to prepare.
- JUNE ’08: Nevin Millan has recently shot a promo for HBO’s new show ‘True Blood’, where he plays a French Vampire and recently finished shooting a project for the History Channel‘s new series coming out next year, ‘Battles B.C.’ where he portrays the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II.
- SPRING 2008: Nevin Millan is currently gearing up for two independent film shoots in April and May. In ‘Didgori: Land of Sacrificed Knights’ he will be traveling to the country Georgia (nestled between Russia and Turkey), to portray the founder of the Knights Templar, Hugues De Payens. In May, he will be portraying the legendary philosopher, Plato in the ancient greek period film ‘The Apology’. Keep a lookout for updates on these projects!
- Nevin Millan’s second short film, ‘InAnother Time’ screened at the Palm Springs Short Film Festival, in August 2007 in Palm Springs and the Los Angeles Short Film Festival, in September 2007 in LA.
- FALL 2006: Nevin just completed his second short film, ‘In Another Time‘, which he produced and starred in with actress Dream Holloway. The film will be submitted to film festivals world wide. Check back for updates!
- Nevin recently acted in the feature film ‘White Wall‘, where he portrayed the brain damaged fighter ‘Vitor‘.
- Nevin‘s first foray as a producer, the supernatural dramedy ‘Balance‘, written and directed by Trent Moran, and starring Nevin Millan, screened at the Los Angeles Short Film Festival in September 2006.

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On the Set
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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Actor, Filmmaker, Writer, Musician
NEVIN PANJWANI MILLAN was born and raised in an international household, with immigrant parents of Croatian, Indian, and mixed heritage, in the heartland of America, St. Louis, Missouri. He embarked on his career in the entertainment industry at the age of 4 when he began playing the violin and piano. After making his stage debut as ‘Donald Duck’ in a grade school play, the seeds to his dreams and aspirations were planted. His passion for music grew at the John Burroughs High School (also the alma mater of “Mad Men”‘s Jon Hamm, “The Office”‘s Ellie Kemper, Oscar nominee and “House of Cards” creator Beau Willimon, and “24”‘s Sarah Clarke) where he sang in the choir and learned to play the guitar and drums, starting a rock band shortly thereafter.
He continued his music and acting through college at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL, where he earned a bachelor‘s degree as well as two master‘s degrees, including an MBA and Master’s in Industrial Engineering. During this time, he extracurricularly continued to pursue and develop artistic endeavors. This is when his love for theatre, Shakespeare, historical pieces and stage performing blossomed and he began to professionally hone his craft as an actor.
After a six month sojourn in Paris where he spent much time in a myriad of museums appreciating masterpieces of art and experiencing the diverse cultures Europe has to offer, he moved to Los Angeles and began his two year Meisner training at the Baron Brown Studio, followed by a summer of vocal, classical, and Shakespeare training with Patsy Rodenburg (formerly from the RSC). In addition, Nevin trained in stage combat, sword fighting, spears, knives, and firearms with several stunt trainers and groups including Brian Danner’s Sword Fights Inc., Tim Weske, Bob Goodwin, and more. This skillset comes into play for many of the action heavy characters Nevin portrays. He embraces the physicality that comes with certain action roles and enjoys performing many of his own stunts and fight scenes. He also has a growing passion for horseback riding since having learned to ride bareback for a Native American film.
He is an active member of acting unions the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) and British Equity. He speaks French and Spanish, as well as some Russian and Croatian. He has played characters in countless different accents and even several foreign languages including Ancient Egyptian, Latin, Georgian, French, Italian, Spanish, and Iroquois.
Nevin currently lives in Los Angeles with his daughter Amalya and son Kaspyan, working as an actor , producer, writer, and filmmaker, as well as a story and creative consultant, amongst other pursuits. He has credits in network television shows, as well as feature films and stage productions and continues to garner roles in major studio and independent film and television productions worldwide. He appeared in the ensemble ancient Roman period epic short film Exitus Roma, directed by award winning director Fawaz Al-Matrouk. In 2011, Nevin co-produced a comedy TV pilot, “Being Bin Laden” written and executive produced by members of “The Family Guy” team and starring Steven Weber, Fred Savage, and Rachael Harris. In 2009, Nevin starred in the epic historical drama “DIDGORI: Land of Sacrificed Knights” which he also co-wrote and co-produced appearing as ‘Hugo De Payens’, the founder of the Templar Knights. Also in 2009, he appeared on the History Channel series “Battles B.C.“starring as Pharaoh Ramesses where his sword fighting skills are displayed. In 2007, the short film “In Another Time”, which he produced, adapted, and starred in, screened at the Palm Springs Short Film Festival and the Los Angeles Short Film Festival to rave reviews. In 2006, the short film “Balance” that he produced and starred in, screened at the Los Angeles Short Film Festival.
He is working on film/tv projects, writing screenplays, other literary projects, and has produced several music videos with EP/writer/director Lloyd DeSouza and commercials with director/vfx genius Nick Losq. Nevin is developing several feature film, television, and web series projects with both Nick and Lloyd, as well as other filmmaking collaborators and partners.
Nevin is also an animal rights activist, PETA supporter, and follows a vegan, plant-based diet and lifestyle and is a proponent for renewable energy solutions. He is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys hiking and camping all over the world, as well as traveling to new countries and immersing himself into their cultures. He has hiked to the top of the Rocky Mountains and the bottom of the Grand Canyon, as well as Yosemite’s Half Dome, Mt. Whitney, and more. He has is eyes set on Mt. Kilimanjaro and the Himalayas, which he will soon tackle in the near future.
Nevin is an active member of the international high IQ society, MENSA, and attends regular roundtable meetings and discussions where like-minded people come together and discuss ideas, philosophize, and have an open forum to brainstorm. This type of environment is conducive to idea cultivation and Nevin enjoys being inspired by the amazing people he’s met through this group.
Nevin is a multi-faceted artist who takes pride in the hard work and dedication it takes to fully transform himself into each character he plays. His exotic, multi-ethnic look allows him to effectively slip into many ethnically diverse roles, which his exceptional talent for languages and accents facilitates. He is a true storyteller in pursuit of knowledge to share with humanity through intense passion, perseverance, professionalism, and a deep love of the arts.
NEVIN PANJWANI MILLAN has parlayed his career in acting into a budding career as a filmmaker. Through his acting and writing, his passion for storytelling in the visual medium of film was a natural transition. He first foray as a filmmaker was the short film “Balance”, which he produced and also starred in. He saw the project through from development to distribution where it screened at the LA Short Film Festival. His next project was the short film, “In Another Time”, again he starred in and produced, as well as taking on various other hats. He has since produced several other projects, including a comedy pilot for Comedy Central called “Being Bin Laden”, written by members of The Family Guy writing team. He has produced several music videos and commercials through his relationship with digital production agency, Star-Beast Digital.
His next step is getting a feature film produced as well as a TV or Web Series on the air. He has several feature film projects in development as well as television format projects. Follow his projects in development at his film production company, ANTIQUITAS PICTURES.
NEVIN PANJWANI MILLAN has always been an avid reader ever since his days in high school, reading everything from Shakespeare, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Dante’s Inferno, to The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Stephen King, Dan Brown, and Michael Crichton novels. When he embarked into his career in songwriting, he began writing down poems, lyrics, and thoughts down in his journal, a practice he continues today. During college and grad school, the requirements for writing many papers on various subjects was a necessity, so he enrolled in a creative writing course as well as an additional expository writing course to further develop his skills. During this time he also began to delve deeper into the works of Machiavelli, Plato, Tolstoy, and Nietzsche. Soon thereafter he began writing opinionated and informational articles about a myriad of subjects for an online magazine in Miami, FL. He has also been a copywriter and content editor for several websites, online magazines, and blogs, such as LA based DailyISO.com. When his filmmaking career began in Los Angeles, he merged his love for film with his writing talents and began his foray into screenwriting.
Fueled by his passion for great films, he wrote and produced several short films. He continues to write in various capacities including feature screenplays, articles, blogs, books, poems and lyrics. He completed his first feature screenplay several years ago which he co-wrote with a writing partner. In 2020, he won the prestigious Tennessee Williams Poetry Contest held annually by the Key West Historical Society for his poem “A Rose Without Thorns”, written specifically for the contest. He is currently working on four feature screenplays, a novel, a children’s book, a self-help book, and a book of poetry.
Nevin’s writing is inspired by the great epic poems and novels of history as well as playwrights such as William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Williams, Sophocles and Euripides, he aims to delve into the deep human spirit and tap into those moments in life that spawn greatness, the crevices in life that spark inspiration and growth.
You can follow his writing and filmmaking conquests at his film company ANTIQUITAS PICTURES
MUSIC and performance have always been an integral part of Nevin’s life. Starting with the violin at the age of 3, he played in concerts at various local schools and auditoriums, impressing audiences with his violin solos at such a young age. Continuing his musical journey with the piano at age 5 and continuing through grade school, he mastered pieces
by Beethoven and Schubert. In the 4th grade he took up choir, whilst continuing piano instruction until junior high, when he switched to guitar. He began by learning the basics on an
acoustic guitar followed by more rock and roll focused lessons on the electric guitar shortly thereafter. He remained in the junior high and high school choirs, often chosen as a soloist, even qualifying for the Missouri State Choir by auditioning with an acapella song in Italian (“Fa Una Canzona”).
At the age of 16, he took up the drums, which he was a natural at, and a few months after his first drum lesson was selected to play with his high school jazz band at John Burroughs High School. At the age of 17, Nevin teamed up with a few friends and started a rock band where he was the lead singer, rhythm guitarist, and co-writer of the music. Over the
course of the next few years, they played several shows around the St. Louis area.
Although moving away for their respective collegiate experiences inevitably caused the band members to move on, Nevin continued to pursue his music in Miami by taking music theory courses and playing with several different bands at various capacities – drummer, guitarist, and singer.
Nevin has been actively recording a solo 6 song EP where he has written all the music and lyrics and plays all the instruments. He is currently recording at Sunburst Recording in Culver City. Nevin’s musical influences are Led Zeppelin, Pearl Jam, Sound Garden, Tool, Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle, Incubus, and The Black Crowes, but he is passionate about all music genres, especially classical, Mozart being his favorite composer.
Please check back for periodic updates and song samples!
Some recent cover songs Nevin has been shooting as a creative outlet during the 2020 pandemic quarantine. The series is called: “Sunset Sessions”
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-Nevin Millan © 2009
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Theatrical / Commercial – UK & Europe
New Wonder Management
Lola Williams
+44 020 310 28515
Commercial – USA
Currently Seeking.